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Listener Responses

"I wanted to tell you just how much we enjoyed 'between' this weekend. It was an activity driven week and the mellow mood of the music put us in a really good place on Friday evening. I've since listened to it again Saturday and Sunday morning. The James Taylor influence is subtle and very positive, especially for us boomers who grew up with Sweet Baby James. 'Like a River to the Sea' is lovely, the way it builds from guitar solo to something more complex. 'Spirit of the Living God' is my favorite, again building from simple to complex and everything in between. I certainly wish you all the success in the world with this production. It is first class, original and leaves a wonderful lasting impression. We will enjoy it over and over." -- DLM, Atlanta, GA

"I got the disc in the mail yesterday and was absolutely thrilled. I am giving it its third all the way through listen as I write this. I don't think your voice has ever sounded better. Everything about the disc is great. The pocket, the taste, the recording, the mix, the lyrics, the tones, and that voice of honey and chocolate. It gives me chills. Duly impressed." -- DH, Weaverville, NC

"Oh, my gosh!!! I'm as I type, listening to the absolute best CD I've listened to in months! For the second time in a row! I had sniffles and huge smiles through a bunch of the songs and then cried through most of 'Spirit of the Living God.' Stirring. Absolutely stirring. Really, 'between' is such a beautiful work of art." -- TS, Winston Salem, NC

"You can expand your range of listener's ages to 5 years old. It is [our daughter's] favorite CD. Mind you, James Taylor just got toppled by you!...The sound heals, soothes, quiets, eases, all while telling the real truth of sorrow and hope and injustice and getting it past my head and deep into my heart. I do not know all the technical stuff. I know my felt experience and I praise God for your gifts to us all through this music, including all those you saw fit to invite to join you in its creation. We did listen to you on September 11. It was my prayer as I went about my day trying to be a peacemaker at home and in my own heart. I was grateful for your companionship...Thank you for ministering to our family and this world." -- NWSJ, San Rafael, CA

"We got your CD a couple days ago and we love it!! I ripped open the package and popped it into the CD player and it was so heavenly. [My husband] came home a little while later and, not even realizing what music was playing, suddenly started singing along to your song 'Victory'. His brain remembered the words from when you would sing it in seminary! It was amazing how it launched us back into a very special time in our lives, but at the same time it feeds us where we are right now. Thank you so much for making this CD, I'm just so grateful that I can listen to it whenever I want to." -- WDO, Tacoma, WA

"Wow! Your CD is awesome...I have to say that the minute the first song started, I started crying and kept it up through most of the CD...I have now listened to it several more times. We had it playing during dinner and [my husband] and I were saying that it's the kind of music we love above and beyond knowing you! [Our daughter] was singing along with 'Spirit of the Living God.'" -- LR, Matthews, NC

"It seems to me that your music - the music, not just the words - is a very natural form of religion...There is a deep sense of lament in your music, that transcends the constantly moving border between life and death and makes present their simultaneity or contemporaneity...I think that is the mystery of your music, the work that Rilke describes as 'the continual conversion of the beloved visible and tangible world into the invisible vibrations and agitations of our own nature.'" -- AM, Atlanta, GA