Myron McGhee, Photographer
The camera has become a tool for my own self-reflections, and also means
of inviting dialogue. The practice and art of photography allow me to
create an organizing framework for the distractions of day to day living
and to preserve often overlooked and forgotten connections.
The photographers I most admire each possess an ability to capture an
essence of both their organic and static subjects. Edward Steichen was
the photographer whose work first held my attention. A small collection
of his photographs were on permanent display near the college I attended,
allowing me to study several original master prints.
As I explored the history of photography, I discovered and remain most
captivated by Edward Weston's dogmatic use of available light, sharp focus,
tight cropping and close up imagery that convey his uncanny intuition
for revealing the most essential qualities of a subject. His images invite
a viewer to cease merely observing and instead participate in the photograph's
presentation. Only after having children of my own and photographing them
and their mother, did I begin comprehending Harry Callahan's life portrait
study of his wife, Eleanor. As well, I've learned that Mr. Callahan's
graphically detailed portrayal of everyday subject matter, both resembles
and encourages my own proclivity for noticing the juxtapositions and contrasts
of common items and experiences.
Exhibits (a partial listing)
In Atlanta...
Atlanta Contemporary Art Center
City Hall East Gallery, Mayor's Permanent Art Collection
Epic Lindmont
Emory University
Starbucks, Decatur Square
Online Galleries
To view more photographs, please visit
Please contact us to purchase photographs,
schedule an exhibit or arrange a photo shoot.